Joined: 3 Nov 2023
The Quinn's in Motion group is for any Quinn's Hot Springs Resort employee to join and participate in virtual fitness missions. Let's stay in motion, especially through the long, cold winter months! Strong bodies equal strong minds!
CURRENT MISSION: Our current mission is the "New Zealand Hot Springs Hop," and it will launch on Monday, January 13th. We'll travel just over 1600 miles miles and wil visit 16 different hot springs!
TYPES OF EXERCISE: As long as the exercise you post is a dedicated workout/exercise session (for example, you went for a walk, a run, a hike, or completed a weights workout session, a yoga session, etc.,) you can post any type. Wondering how something like a yoga or pilates session equates to mileage and how it helps the group meet the goal? Great question! There is a MY VIRTUAL MISSION conversion chart that can help with this. For example, if you complete a 10 minute yoga session, it equates to .23 miles when you post in the app/browser. You can view the coversion chart HERE
WHEN YOU POST: No matter what type of exercise or how you're tracking mileage (phone app, watch, treadmill, etc,) you'll need to MANUALLY enter your exercise into the app/browser.
HOW OFTEN/MUCH: Every little bit counts, but we encourage you to post/exercise at least once a week. If you have to skip a week, that's ok. Just start back up when you can!
DURATION: Once the mission launches on January 6th, we'll have up to 98 days to complete our goal as a group.
3X/WEEK CHALLENGE: This challenge is optional but may be what you're looking for! If you post exercise at least 3 times each week for the duration of the challenge, you'll get a shoutout and a 'Top Banana Award' trophy!
AT THE FINISH LINE! Everyone that posted will receive a participation medal.
Join or view one of these missions by clicking on view mission page.
(Please note that the mission admin must accept your request to join the mission at their sole discretion).
See the participants across all missions for this group (up to 100 participants will be shown).
Rachel Nore
Distance: 353.0 km
Ronda Wakefield
Distance: 47.1 km
Claire Wrobleski
Distance: 51.1 km
Brandi Voss
Distance: 1,127.7 km
hailee Steinebach
Distance: 274.0 km
Jason Brown
Distance: 74.0 km
Birrell White
Distance: 72.2 km
Steven Stack
Distance: 0.0 km
Don Mogstad
Distance: 62.8 km
Brian Baker
Distance: 193.5 km
Scott Dicken
Distance: 119.5 km
Carlos Hernandez
Distance: 146.8 km
kevin boles
Distance: 525.3 km
jeanette boynton
Distance: 237.1 km
Jim White
Distance: 0.0 km
Benjamin Slusser
Distance: 79.7 km
Jennifer Raymond
Distance: 9.2 km
Cooper Szafryk
Distance: 744.7 km
Kyr Ballentine
Distance: 0.0 km
Sydney Olsen
Distance: 355.3 km
Denise Moreth
Distance: 0.0 km
Stacy Rossini
Distance: 8.1 km
Jordan Pomrenke
Distance: 0.0 km
Logan Martin
Distance: 47.2 km
Debbi Kirschbaum
Distance: 12.6 km
Daniel Johnston
Distance: 223.7 km
Robert Moore
Distance: 170.6 km
Hailee Steinebach
Distance: 183.8 km
suzann lloyd
Distance: 16.3 km
jeanette boynton
Distance: 26.7 km
Maury Johnston
Distance: 533.5 km
Tyler Ballentine
Distance: 0.0 km
Joined: 3 Nov 2023
The Quinn's in Motion group is for any Quinn's Hot Springs Resort employee to join and participate in virtual fitness missions. Let's stay in motion, especially through the long, cold winter months! Strong bodies equal strong minds!
CURRENT MISSION: Our current mission is the "New Zealand Hot Springs Hop," and it will launch on Monday, January 13th. We'll travel just over 1600 miles miles and wil visit 16 different hot springs!
TYPES OF EXERCISE: As long as the exercise you post is a dedicated workout/exercise session (for example, you went for a walk, a run, a hike, or completed a weights workout session, a yoga session, etc.,) you can post any type. Wondering how something like a yoga or pilates session equates to mileage and how it helps the group meet the goal? Great question! There is a MY VIRTUAL MISSION conversion chart that can help with this. For example, if you complete a 10 minute yoga session, it equates to .23 miles when you post in the app/browser. You can view the coversion chart HERE
WHEN YOU POST: No matter what type of exercise or how you're tracking mileage (phone app, watch, treadmill, etc,) you'll need to MANUALLY enter your exercise into the app/browser.
HOW OFTEN/MUCH: Every little bit counts, but we encourage you to post/exercise at least once a week. If you have to skip a week, that's ok. Just start back up when you can!
DURATION: Once the mission launches on January 6th, we'll have up to 98 days to complete our goal as a group.
3X/WEEK CHALLENGE: This challenge is optional but may be what you're looking for! If you post exercise at least 3 times each week for the duration of the challenge, you'll get a shoutout and a 'Top Banana Award' trophy!
AT THE FINISH LINE! Everyone that posted will receive a participation medal.